MIND and the greater intelligence is actually informing us all the time. When we drop the commentary in our heads – (otherwise known as our personal thinking) it flows in like a wave from the ocean. Without effort – suddenly we are doing exactly the right thing in the moment.

I have a friend who is currently experiencing ill health – and there are many concerns that seem to be surfacing at the same time. Sometimes when I listen to that or get a text with the latest update; I vacillate between helplessness and extreme desires to “fix it” which immediately causes frustration in me and commensurate behaviors. I am sure you are getting the picture…

Recently I saw my friend at a community event and for several moments my personal thinking was shut off like a light switch. I would love to tell you I did it but it seemed to just happen and before I could override it and turn the noise back on because after all I have got to DO SOMETHING – I just reached over and grabbed her hand – in a second she held on – I said nothing – but the flood of deep warm feelings washed over us both. My level of understanding rose – and suddenly connection and love were all that matters. In that moment, I knew it was not coming from me…the little Debora with all her coping mechanisms, ideas and fixes – but the deepest part of me – which is love. It was a small thing – and in years past I would have missed it – I wouldn’t have seen how the Principles of our Human Experience work – I would have been too busy turning the lights back on. But I did see it – I see how when personal mind quiets down – in comes big Mind – with a new level of consciousness and automatic thinking that has ease and grace and is exactly right for that moment.