As May closes as the month we celebrate mothering and the nurturing energy of the Divine Feminine- this week seems to call out for that energy to be with us in greater amounts.  The Divine Feminine is portrayed in every tradition – in every civilization – and in every period of history.  It is the energy of love – of birthing – of creating and of healing.  I was contemplating my own life in elementary school (ok granted it was a minute or two ago), and how much I loved school.  I loved my teachers and all the things I was learning – and I always felt safe – I felt cared for – I felt like life was always for me.  I often ask myself what is it that is happening to our collective ability to end violence – to be compassionate to the deeply isolated and troubled – to solve conflicts in ways that bring forth cooperation and understanding.

Of course, I don’t have an answer to those endless questions – but I can touch the remedy.  I can feel into the love that heals, the love that forgives, that love that nurtures in every time and in every place.  The Divine Feminine brings to my awareness that I can embody those traits in my own life – I can encourage them in the lives of others – and I can always turn to the Divine within myself to find Wisdom and Grace.

Music has always been a way to purge some of the emotion that seems huge – and at the same time soothe and provide deeper insights and answers than can come from my surface mind.

I encourage you to find your own connection to the Divine Feminine – to celebrate hope – to find the sanctuary of Love within.

And Sir Paul can help.