Star Light

From Twinkle Twinkle little star, to Star Light Star Bright-we begin as children, our romance with stars.  Where I live in the mountains,  there are no lights at night…none on our main road or anywhere near me.  When I look up at the sky, my eyes cannot take in all the stars and I find myself filled with awe.  Scientists tell us that we are made of the same stuff as stars and have the capacity to shine our light in the world.

This week was Diwali, a Hindu festival of light.  In a couple of weeks Hanukah will begin – also a festival of light and rounding out the year, we will look for the star in the East symbolicaly  heralding a new era of love and compassion.  I am one of those strange people who love winter.  The short days for me, means longer time gazing at the stars-and I always feel a deep connection with their mystery and a deep appreciation of their guidance.  Before high tech navigational tools, boats and ships navigated by star light.  Lost campers and hikers still do.  And of course romantics walk in the evening light gazing at the one they love.

Whether Spiritual or Scientific, we are the light.  If we could see yourselves through the largest microscope we would melt into light -personally its an image I love to consider.

Light for all traditions in the world, brings hope and the promise of the golden age.

Ideally, I would love to see that happen soon – perhaps practicing would help.

So this week, think of yourself as the Light of the World as the Master Teacher, taught us. Shine that light everywhere you go – don’t’ make it complicated…give a warm smile – send a blessing (see last week’s blog), light some candles, prepare for the season…sing a song (This little light of mine comes to mind).  In other words, be what you truly are – luminous and glorious.