Light and More Light

Beginning with last week’s blog, I am doing this seasonal series on Light.  I love the way Pierre Pradervand speaks of it “Infinite Love, which is sheer Light, is incapable of seeing darkness, because in its presence darkness disappears into its original nothingness.”

It’s so logical and so awe inspiring to consider this …especially in the times we are living in, that darkness has no power….it is merely the absence of Light.  I set an intention for this season – to see the Light in others and in myself, every day…yes, every day. Of course it is easy to see in cheerful people, or helpful people or my cute little dogs.  Easy to see when the sun is out (it has been gray and rainy for the last three days)- easy to see when I light a candle.  The times to shine the light are when its not so easy; or when we see something on the news.  I guarantee that in the midst of whatever might be happening, there is Light.  We have euphemisms for it –“there is light at the end of the tunnel,”  “go to the Light” –“Let your light shine”.  Clearly, on some level, we get that Light is brilliant and everywhere present – but we have to turn it on, within ourselves, and then let it shine.  The shining part can provoke thoughts to the contrary…”oh I don’t’ have that much light” or my life is too hard right now” or who …me…light ..what?

It helps to join others in the endeavor and once again to practice.  Give a smile and imagine light coming from you to another.  Stop and say hello to someone on the street – or in a shop or post office (this time of year postal employees need all the light they can muster).  Gaze at those stars I mentioned last week, and use your own stardust to twinkle.  Bless someone with the Light of Love.

For those of you who light the Menorah or decorate a Christmas tree – pause and really see the Light – (then you can tell everyone …” I Have SEEN the light”).

My favorite light bearing action is to sing…I notice my heart lightens and I feel connected to Life and to others.  Its not that I have a great voice or anything but that I am joining a great chorus of joy – lighting my way – every day, yes every day.

And as you all know, no greater inspiration comes to me than from my man Bruce.  If you normally skip my video clips, don’t do it today. Play this one and join in…how can you help yourself?  Sing out loud and clear and imagine Light everywhere. (can you see the Light in Bruce )