A New Heaven and New Earth

This is the week that our minds turn towards the New Year and for some -resolutions, plans or ideas.  I stopped writing resolutions many years ago- they were year after year the same thing – get more exercise, change or go on a diet, plan for higher income – as you may note – all external desires.  Of course, I forgot about them very shortly after writing them and the pattern of attempting to change from the outside inbecame tiresome.

In truth, we now know, that change begins within.  The internal life is what governs and directs the external result.  So, for some time, I have been considering the qualities I want to embody in the New Year.  I have always found it slightly humorous that people protest for peace – while being angry at the people who are not.  When might it occur to us that peace is an inside job and the more we adopt a Peace Be Still quality the more likely we are to see it reflected in the world.

This has not been a peaceful year – for the planet or for me personally.  What is different, however, is that I know peace is possible – I know it lives in me and I can radiate it outward with practice.  After a few experiments, I have noticed that peace shows up the way I show up.  (Duh)

Eckhart Tolle wrote a book several years ago about a New Earth and what it would take to bring it -not new news as mystics for centuries have shared the same message.  Be the change you want to see in the world – if we can’t be it, we are not going to see it.

It can look daunting and perhaps too simplistic for some – but I am getting a glimmer of what the New Earth would look like and what Heaven that would be for us all.  Imagine waking up one morning with no cares, no worries, no issues, no complaints – only joy and well being and great doses of love and peace.  All ideas begin in the imagination – so a cautionary tale…if you are imagining the worst, you may be creating it.  An exhilarating tale – we have the power to change – no matter what and no exceptions.

Here’s to a New Year – a year where we shift our internal compass away from the visible (discouraging) to the invisible….anything is possible with inner change.

Happy New Year – Peace on Earth goodwill to all.