One Problem-One Solution

Recently listening to one of my favorite teachers, I discovered something that I surely should have known, but somehow missed.  He was offering the idea that all of the personal problems we might face as well as the world problems in our face- stem from one cause.  That cause is Chronic stress. We could easily point to many things we believe to be producing that response inside of us and subsequently outside of us – in ailments, frustrations and even depression.  In truth, however it is our thoughts that we are reacting to – not the events themselves.  We interpret events; we give them meaning and more than anything else we believe our thoughts are true.

When we attempt to let things go ( a popular idea even before Frozen and Olaf instructed us)  and believe that if we let the thoughts go- we will solve the problem.  Again –  a little hiccup on that one.  If we believe the thoughts to be true – momentarily dismissing them will not bring peace – resolution or ease.  Thoughts are neither true or false – until we put some muscle into them.  Reflecting on this I realize so much of what I had been experiencing in the unpleasant category came from my believing all that I was thinking about; the ruminating over and feeling sad about were thoughts I had vested into truth.  Believing them to be true, created for me, an experience that I was certain was outside of myself and not being created from within.

This is something I have been studying and teaching for some years….so how did I miss it.  So much has been made of changing our mind – being positive – the importance of the creative aspect of thought and not much conversation about – wait a minute – if your thought is causing you to have feelings and that becomes your experience – what if the thought isn’t true?  Its pretty easy to use the analogy of going to the movies.  For some suspended period of time, we live in an alternate reality that seems totally real.  In early motion picture days, people would run from the theater when they saw a train coming towards them – it sure seemed real.

So if it isn’t about swapping the bad thoughts for better ones…what is the solution.  So simple…we go quietly within – for me I find focusing on my heart to be helpful.  And breathing gently as though through my heart (thank you Heartmath) until I feel a sense of peace.  Sometimes it is quick-sometimes not so quick but always reliable to place me in a lovely feeling…as soon as I am in the feeling of ease, or appreciation or joy, I can look at and see that thoughts are like smoke…they really are only mental energy – not truth and if my belief in their truth is causing me suffering, I can allow a new truth to surface.

The one that always surfaces is a sense of Love – the larger kind of love that has a Divine quality of unconditionality.  And I know that is the solution – the thing I truly believe in – and know trumps all others.

So try it this week – recognize any lack of peace as coming from thoughts you are sure are true – and then go quietly into your beautiful heart and find the doorway to the solution.  Love and only Love.

I guarantee it!