
A critical step in realizing who we really are is the aspiration to do exactly that….it may seem like a slam dunk however my experience tells me that isn’t the case.  To know ourselves as magnificent, to realize that we are great beings is just not in the habitual way we see ourselves.  And I believe there is a reluctance to acknowledge our greatness.  It may be a bit of humility – or it may be issues of
self worth – but to come to terms with who we really are means knowing the truth and being free to express it.

When we are thinking with our intellect, it may not make sense.  We have this or that we think is wrong with us, so it could not be true.  If we are thinking first through our hearts we may feel into it gently and a sense of gratitude and peace comes over us.  Some days I feel like a ping pong ball myself- from greatness to grunge in a matter of minutes.  I know for sure when that happens that my heart has closed to the truth and my ego is front and center.

Aspiration helps us move into this space of greatness…aspiring to know ourselves; to love ourselves; to love others is a deep and abiding desire. As it grows in magnitude, and we begin to amplify that desire – it becomes our aspiration and our north star.

Without the aspiration, it becomes a chore…or an endless disappointing effort.  The story of the guru and the disciple helps here…the guru asks his disciple what he desires.  Of course, the answer is enlightenment.  So the guru takes him to the lake, and holds his head under water until he is gasping for air….when the disciple surfaces and is asked – what were you thinking as I held your head under water- the disciple answers that he just wanted air.  The guru wisely counsels that when you want enlightenment as much as you wanted that air; it will be yours.

This story points to our lack of aspiration – and our willingness to know ourselves deeply and to express our divine nature full on – without doubt or apology. Aspiration is required to experience it and so you can ask yourself…how badly do you want to know who you really are?

This year my colleague and I are forging pathways for people to aspire and know…it is something that cannot be done alone so finding a group to support and be supported by in this endeavor is wise.  Feel free to let me know if you are a candidate.

In the meantime, consider your aspiration – your heart’s deepest desire- and then let’s head in that direction together.