Being Our Authentic Self-

I often wonder if there is any greater challenge than being our authentic self – dropping the mask of who we think we should be; or who others think we should be in favor of our true divine beingness.  For me this has been and continues to be a road of supreme challenge…and of course as the last several blogs have pointed to …who is that authentic self?

The question of worthiness and unconditional regard for myself is in that dilemma….who has not asked the question…if you really knew me- would you still want to know me or be with me or be my friend…my true friend?

The good news is we are so worthy – beyond what we can imagine and the bad news is we don’t see it in the mirror.  One of my friends had his origins in Quaker thinking and he can’t receive accolades of any sort with grace, as he isn’t the important factor.  So humbleness can quickly be confused with worthiness.  On the other side of the spectrum is pride and arrogance at who we are…that one is best observed on TV.  Either end, we get caught – we get stuck …again trying to be humble and trying not to be prideful.

Instead, what can we do – I could write for pages on that but instead I am posting a longer video than I normally do (17 minutes); and it is so worth watching.  Love and understanding, wisdom and radical tenderness are in this story…and above all – the absolute beauty that we each are and want to be.

I hope you will watch and this week- really marinate in your authenticate self…as the cute card says…dance as if no one is watching…just you being you.  Me too.